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News for 13-Jul-24

Source: MedicineNet Asthma General
Mice May Be Key to Kids' Asthma Attacks at School

Source: MedicineNet Diabetes General
Insulin Prices Skyrocket, Putting Many Diabetics in a Bind

Source: MedicineNet Diabetes General
Standing or 'Easy' Walks May Help Type 2 Diabetics Control Blood Sugar

Source: MedicineNet Diabetes General
Daily Can of Soda Boosts Odds for Prediabetes, Study Finds

Source: MedicineNet Asthma General
Clean Home May Help Keep Kids' Asthma in Check

Source: MedicineNet Asthma General
Churg-Strauss Syndrome

Source: MedicineNet Diabetes General
glipizide and metformin (Metaglip has been discontinued in the US)

Source: MedicineNet Asthma General
Bronchodilators (Drug Class)

Source: MedicineNet Asthma General
Study Sees Link Between Insomnia, Asthma

Source: MedicineNet Asthma General
Cured Meats Could Aggravate Asthma, Study Suggests

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Go Nuts!

 by: Phil Satterfield

Nuts of all kinds (I am talking peanuts, cashews etc) have a mixed reputation. They are high in fat, but have no carbohydrates. Many people I know will not eat any type of nut because of their high fat content. Nuts have a very important role in a healthy weight loss plan.

First, the fat in nuts is 90% percent unsaturated, which means it helps keep your arteries clean of cholesterol. Remember saturated fats, make you fat and clog your veins, unsaturated fats only cause you to gain weight. Do not let that scare you off; we need some fats in our diet.

Second, nuts have of no carbohydrates or sugar, which means they do not cause any insulin release, which is associated with weight gain. They are also so a great source of protein, one of the best of any non-meat food.

Do not go over board, nuts do have a lot of calories. But they also stay with you along time. If you find you are hungry between meals, have your self a serving of nuts. Make sure to eat one serving, read the label.

They can keep you from being hungry, because they have a lot of fat and protein. They also do not trigger the body to release insulin, which can cause you to get hungry.

Do not eat more then one serving a day. Any type will do so eat which ones you like they all have the same basic nutrients. They will also help you lower your cholesterol, because of the high amount of unsaturated fats

I know they have some fat, but if your weight loss plan is good and you the nuts by them selves, with out any type of sugar you will be fine. Drink water or diet soda pop with them. If you are watching you sodium you may want to eat unsalted nuts, or talk about with your doctor.

So, the next time your need a quick snack, grab a handful of cashews, almonds or peanuts and enjoy.

About The Author

Phil Satterfield runs a small, but quickly growing site, that is dedicated to providing people with the information they need to develop their own weight loss plan. Visit and sign up for a free newsletter and get a free weight loss guide. The site has many articles and links and is growing all the time.

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