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A treasure chest of wellness information.There is no doubt you and I have a great interest in wellness after all that's why you arrived at this web page and it's why I created this wellness web site. I'm actually passionate about wellness and in time will make the site one of the best resources for information. You can search around for hours looking for good wellness sites but as you have no doubt found, many of the sites that rank well in search engines for wellness are pretty hopeless. While your visit to my site is a little premature because I'm still working on it, in the not too distant future it will become one of the best sites on the net for wellness. I'm aware of the needs of people searching the net for wellness information and I plan to create a directory of valuable links to wellness sites. Every site I list, such as the examples below will carry recommended reading and I'm sure every visitor will be delighted with what they find. Here's just a small example of the links you will find in the future, I'm sure if you visit the site you will not be disappointed. Right now I'm working on making my wellness site bigger and better, it's turning out to be a much largerr task than I expected, but because I am passionate about wellness I work with great purpose so it's not really work. I invite you to call back sometime and I'm sure I'll have it completed and maybe you can pass on my url to your friends that have similar wellness interests. wellness
Our interest and enthusiasm for wellness has evolved with the Internet. In the early days of the Net the information on wellness was very limited. However there are now many online traders marketing and selling wellness. We have sifted through these and do not hesitate to recommend the merchants whose links appear below. As the Internet grows and expands wellness traders gain more experience in offering products for sale. One of the big advantages that online wellness traders have over shop front wellness stores is that the capital costs are significantly less. Coping With Telogen Effluvium by: Richard Mitchell
Telogen effluvium is a hair loss condition that is characterized by a general thinning of the hair over a period of months. It is usually found in people who have recently experienced trauma with common causes including childbirth, major surgery and severe illness. It occurs when one or more factors interfere with the normal growth cycle and manifests when large numbers of hairs are prematurely pushed from the growth (anagen) phase into the resting (telogen) phase. The telogen hairs are loosely attached at the roots and fall out easily. Fortunately, this unnatural growth behavior is only temporary and completely reversible. Diagnosis of telogen effluvium involves a three step process:
As far as treatment is concerned, telogen effluvium usually disappears as the effects of the trauma previously experienced begin to wear off. Consequently, there are no treatments specific to this condition although a product such as minoxidil (Rogaine) may help to accelerate the regrowth process. You can find out more about telogen effluvium and other forms of hair loss at the site listed below.
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