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News for 29-Jan-25

Source: MedicineNet Asthma General
Churg-Strauss Syndrome

Source: MedicineNet Diabetes General
Chemo More Damaging to Hearts of Diabetics: Study

Source: MedicineNet Diabetes General
Insulin Prices Skyrocket, Putting Many Diabetics in a Bind

Source: MedicineNet Asthma General

Source: MedicineNet Diabetes General
Health Tip: Prepare for Travel With Diabetes

Source: MedicineNet Asthma General
ephedrine (oral)

Source: MedicineNet Asthma General
Mice May Be Key to Kids' Asthma Attacks at School

Source: MedicineNet Asthma General
Asthma Medications

Source: MedicineNet Asthma General
Study Sees Link Between Insomnia, Asthma

Source: MedicineNet Asthma General
Bronchodilators (Drug Class)

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The Best cltc certification, website

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The real determining factor in buying cltc certification, is the total cost. That is what determines real value. Total cost is not just price for cltc certification,, but what you'll actually get for the price. Most people think the most important determining factor in a sale is the price. But recent studies show that consumers ranked price no higher than 9th and, on average, 13th in its level of importance.

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Need information on Medical Mailings? Our links will provide you with information on all type of type of Medical Mailings for Physicians over the internet including email and snail mail. For conferencing services to go with your email campagin go to Meetings on the Net -
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Why We Do Not Sell Coral Calcium

 by: Rusty Ford

Since coral calcium is one of he hottest products on the market for the treatment of arthritis you would think that a site that is called the Arthritis Store would sell it. So why don't we sell coral calcium. It is simple we care too much for our customers. We do not sell products just because we can make money from them. We can offer coral calcium for one fifth of what it sells for on the info-mercials. But the simple truth is it is a scam.

Coral Calcium is not the best Calcium.

Coral calcium is calcium carbonate, the most common type of calcium on the market. It is no different than any other calcium carbonate. It is not more bio available. To say so is a lie. It does not work any different, it does not adjust your body's pH any differently and to say so is just a lie.

Coral Calcium cannot cure or prevent over 200 types of diseases including arthritis.

This is a flat out lie. There has never been one study to support this claim, not about this type of calcium or any type. Yes there is much research to support that calcium is good for you and everyone probably should take a calcium supplement. But there is no research anywhere that shows it can cure disease.

Coral Calcium will not keep you young

You hear the sellers say that the people in Okinawa live to be older, in fact they say that the highest percentage of people in the world over 100 live there. What they do not tell you is that the people in Okinawa do not eat coral and that researchers attribute there long lives to their mainly fruit and vegetable diets. There have been hundreds of research studies on calcium and not one has ever suggested that it will make you live or look longer.

Coral Calcium may actually be bad for you.

It is true that coral calcium contains trace elements that other forms of calcium do not carry. Some of these may be good for you. But what the sellers do not tell you is that among these trace elements are cadium, aluminum, mercury, thallium, uranium, lead and other toxic metals. It is hard for your body to cleanse itself of these types of metals and even small amounts tend to accumulate and over time can cause health problems. Maybe this is why no living sea creature eats coral.

What is Coral Calcium good for?

Coral calcium is good for one thing, lining people's pockets. That is why the title for the article on coral calcium in the Berkley Wellness Letter is "How to Sell a 5¢ Supplement for $1"

How to find a Good Calcium product

This is not to say anything negative about calcium. Calcium is something that almost all doctors, nutritionist and natural health practitioners agree on. We should all take a calcium supplement. It is good for our bones and our heart. Here are a few things to consider.

  1. Calcium carbonate and calcium citrate are the two most bio available forms of calcium. This means that your body is able to absorb and use them

  2. Do not pay too much. Do not buy into hype. Calcium is calcium. Just because it cost more does not mean it is better.

  3. Some calcium's can be high in lead and other metals especially that from coral and bone meal. Check to see if it is certified as pure.

  4. Vitamin D helps the body process calcium. This can come from your calcium supplement or from any other source.

About The Author

I began researching and writing about natural health after by first battle with cancer 10 years ago.

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